Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Decorations (aka Pinterest obsessions)

So I have discovered Pinterest and the obsession/addiction that it has become.  There are so many things on there that I want to make, but like the rest of my life, I just don't have the time (or money).  I did manage to create a few things that I had pinned for Christmas decorations.

 I made this prePinterest.  The kids love it and it has become
a fight over who gets to be the last one to put up baby Jesus.
They actually have a 3 year rotation worked out and they ALWAYS remember
who's year it is.

 Each piece has a snap on the back and a pocket that it goes in.

 Pinterest project #1:  wreaths on the cabinets

 Pinterest #2:  Stacked presents at the door

 Pinterest #3:  Hanging ornaments from the chandelier

The table decorations were actually my idea.  I saw these gold 
covered cones at a store and refused to pay the price they wanted.
So I made my own and added red and gold ornaments to match the chandelier.

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